Growing Solutions for Food Insecurity
Take A Look At The Growcer Community In Action.
Kuujjuaq: An Investment in Community Development
Makivik Corporation is a political organization that represents the Inuit of Northern Quebec. Although Makivik had not previously worked in food production; they saw The Growcer as an opportunity to spark economic growth in Nunavik’s largest community, Kuujjuaq…
Yellowknife Co-op Brings Store Grown Greens To Their Shelves
Like most communities in Canada, produce sold at The Yellowknife Co-op was picked weeks prior and shipped thousands of kilometers before reaching store shelves. The Yellowknife Co-op needed a solution that would enable them to provide high quality, flavorful produce to the community year-round…
University of Ottawa: Serving Up Local, Year Round
The University of Ottawa has partnered with The Growcer to serve hyper-local produce on campus. Students and staff at the University of Ottawa can now see exactly where their produce is coming from…
Churchill: Sowing Seeds of Hope
In December 2015, the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC) wanted to explore the idea of growing food locally in their community. They began working with The Growcer to understand how this could work for them.